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Phase III Coronavirus Package // Oversight Provisions

March 28, 2020

There are two main oversight provisions for the Title IV and the Exchange Stabilization Fund ($500b).

  • Creates Treasury Department Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery to provide oversight of Treasury loans and a Pandemic Response Accountability Committee to protect taxpayer dollars.
  • Creates a bipartisan congressional oversight commission (5 members) that must provide reports every 30 days on the exercise of authority under the Act. This creates a timely public reporting mechanism for transactions under the Act.


Other changes on oversight on the Fed already existed under current statute – that’s not something that Ds got added. This refers to loans made through the Federal Reserve under its 13(3) authority that are subject to very strict criteria:

  • sufficient loan security
  • timely program termination
  • no loan forgiveness
  • a demonstration that other credit from banks is not available
  • employment retention
  • the Federal Government’s compensation must account appropriately for risk (among others).



(Updated 3/28)