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Brady Discusses Next Round of COVID-19 Relief on Fox News

April 22, 2020

House Ways and Means Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined FOX News to talk about the Senate’s passage of the $484 billion coronavirus stimulus package, which will help support small businesses and hospitals.

Why these relief packages are crucial:

“We feel we had to inject this cash back into the economy to keep these workers at their jobs and we needed those dollars to apply the maximum pressure on the coronavirus.”

“Leader McConnell is right. We really need to not turn to how many more trillions of dollars can we spend, but how can we while applying max pressure on the virus and helping these businesses and states begin to reopen – because I think that is key to getting people back to work.”

“My fear is if we don’t, we’re going to create an awful lot of pain for an awful long time for a lot of workers and families that doesn’t need to happen.”

Replenishing funds for PPP now:

There’s a huge demand, certainly here in our communities, and it’s coming from small businesses. At the end of last week, the average loan was around $200,000 – that’s mainstream business. It was coming through a local community bank – that’s mainstream businesses.”

“I’m confident this will get to small businesses. I still think the best thing we can do as a Congress is focus on helping these businesses reopen and get this economy back on its feet.”

On what comes next:

“Congress really needs to turn to how can we help our businesses reopen and how can we help them make those workplaces safe for workers and customers … so that we can reopen safely.”

“We ought to incentivize new business investment and reward work. We need to tweak the unemployment benefits to make sure that we’re actually encouraging people to go back and take those job offers when they are offered.”

We need the economy to reopen again safely and responsibly. We should keep focused on that as a Congress.”

 CLICK HERE to watch the full interview.

Want to read more on the fight against Coronavirus? Read our Coronavirus Bulletin here which contains our extensive FAQ about recent federal actions.

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