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USMCA Enters Into Force

July 02, 2020

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) kicked into effect today, notching a win for American workers and job creators.

The implementation of USMCA comes after its overwhelming bipartisan passage this past winter.

Predicted to create thousands of jobs throughout America, this bipartisan trade agreement brings United States trade into the 21st Century, containing a first-of-its-kind digital chapter that removes barriers and establishes American rules on e-commerce.  It expands the Canadian market for American dairy, chicken, egg, and turkey products and maintains the duty-free access American farmers enjoy when they sell into Mexico.

USMCA also contains historic labor and environmental reforms that will improve standards in Mexico so that our workers no longer need to struggle to compete against unfair advantages in Mexico.

The next step is to make sure that Mexico and Canada are abiding by the terms of the agreement by using the innovative new consultation and dispute settlement mechanisms of the agreement to hold our trading partners accountable.

As Ways and Means Republican Leader Kevin Brady said today:This new agreement will bring good jobs back to America and increase paychecks for our workers – which is vital for our economic recovery in the face of COVID-19.

“I have no doubt that this Administration will vigorously enforce this gold standard agreement. We are ready to work together with the Administration to develop a plan to use our enforcement tools and the dispute settlement process effectively and strategically to ensure that Americans, and our economy overall, see the full benefit of USMCA’s ambitious obligations.” 

Here’s what other leaders are saying about this historic trade agreement:

Trade Subcommittee GOP Leader Vern Buchanan:

“International trade is critical to FLA where it supports 2.3 million jobs. Pleased to see the trade deal between the U.S., Mexico and Canada take effect today. Leveling the playing field and increasing access to foreign markets will help grow the economy and create jobs. #USMCA”

Rep. Adrian Smith:  

“After years of negotiating, legislating and implementing, today we see the fruits of our labor. This groundbreaking agreement with Canada and Mexico – who are not just our neighbors, but our two best customers– will bring benefits for Nebraska’s farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, and consumers for years to come.”

Rep. Tom Reed:

“We were proud to secure this deal because we care about critical industries like our dairy farmers, especially as they face new financial challenges because of COVID-19. Moving forward, we will continue to advocate for smart trading practices that hold our international partners accountable, deliver new economic opportunities, and create jobs for our communities.”

Rep. Tom Rice:

“I believe American workers can compete with anyone if the playing field is level, and USMCA levels the playing field in North America. USMCA is a major boost for our economy and a huge win for workers, farmers, businesses, and families. USMCA, now entered into force, means new jobs and a stronger economy for South Carolina and all of America.”

Rep. David Schweikert:

“As a border state, Arizonans know the importance of strong trade relationships. The USMCA will support over 228,300 Arizona jobs, and create an updated and balanced cross-border trade environment to support our economy and local businesses. I am pleased to see the start of this strong trade agreement come to fruition and I look forward to the new opportunities it will bring to Arizona businesses.”

Rep. Jackie Walorski:

“America is facing unprecedented challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic, but our nation is resilient and our economy is safely reopening. With USMCA entering into force today, we are now in an even better position to recover and rebuild. President Trump’s deal to modernize North American trade will dismantle barriers for Hoosier manufacturers and farmers, level the playing field for our workers, and expand markets for made-in-America exports. This is a major victory for the American people.”

Rep. Darin LaHood:

“USMCA is a win for Illinois and today is an important step for the economic future of our farmers, manufacturers, and workers. Forty percent of the products we grow in Illinois go to Mexico or Canada, and this trade pact will strengthen that vital relationship and provide needed certainty for our producers. The new USMCA will level the playing field for Illinois, open opportunities for American goods and services, and increase paychecks for our workers—which is critical for our COVID-19 recovery.”

Rep. Brad Wenstrup:

“Hardworking Americans grew the economy to historic levels under the conditions created by tax cuts and regulatory reform. The USMCA — negotiated by President Trump — is another important tool to help Ohio farmers, manufacturers, and small businesses overcome the challenges posed by COVID-19 and allow us to achieve economic stability on the continent. I was proud to vote to approve this trade deal and will continue to support American workers and business owners as we regain our momentum.” 

Rep. Jodey Arrington:

“Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new era in American trade as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, goes into full effect,” stated Arrington. “Our agriculture and energy producers, manufacturers, and consumers will now reap the benefits of an American First trade deal. In a time fraught with uncertainty, President Trump’s commitment to freer and fairer trade deals for American businesses and workers will help accelerate and jump start a strong economic rebound as we continue to recover from this pandemic.”

Rep. Drew Ferguson:

“This trade agreement levels the global playing field for American businesses and implements policies that build upon the growing successes that we’ve seen from tax reform and deregulation.

“America is once again the most competitive place in the world to do business and thanks to the hard work of President Trump, the USMCA will help continue that growth.”

Rep. Ron Estes:

“The USMCA is an exceptional agreement for Kansas farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, workers and consumers. After delays in the Democratic-led House, our three countries will finally realize the benefits of this free and fair trade agreement that will boost our economy and create new jobs in the United States. Passing this agreement was critical for Kansans, and thanks to the leadership of President Trump and Trade Ambassador Lighthizer, we were able to make this agreement a reality.”

Leader Kevin McCarthy:


President Trump’s strong trade deal with Mexico and Canada officially goes into effect. #USMCA puts American workers FIRST, is enforceable, and strengthens our position against China.



Secretary Brouillette: The new NAFTA will energize energy and other industries

“While the USMCA has been touted for its improvements over NAFTA in the manufacturing and agriculture sectors, the new trade agreement also recognizes that trade in energy is a significant – and growing – part of our economic relationship with both Mexico and Canada. By establishing stronger, more modern guidelines to grow this trilateral trade, we enhance our security. By strengthening supply chains, improving critical infrastructure, and hedging us against global market fluctuations, we are enhancing the security of North America.”

Ambassador Lighthizer:

“The USMCA contains significant improvements and modernized approaches that will deliver more jobs, stronger worker protections, expanded market access, and greater opportunities to trade for companies large and small.  We have worked closely with the governments of Mexico and Canada to ensure that the obligations and responsibilities of all three nations under the agreement have been met, and we will continue to do so to ensure the USMCA is enforced.”

Agriculture Secretary Perdue: President Trump delivers USMCA, a huge win for U.S. agriculture

“The implementation of this deal sends a strong signal to other important export markets such as the United Kingdom and the European Union that President Trump and Congress are serious about pursuing and enacting future agreements that create better economic opportunities for all parties involved. The United States is open for business, and our farmers are ready to export more of their wholesome and nutritious products to consumers around the world.”