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Support Grows for W&M GOP Healthy Workplace Legislation

July 17, 2020

Support continues to grow for House Ways and Means Republicans’s Agenda to Return to Work Safely. Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) introduced the Healthy Workplaces Tax Credit proposal to ensure local businesses are able to protect the health and safety of their workers and customers alike.

Check out what groups across the country are saying.

American Action Forum: “The approach sketched above is pro-growth because it offsets a very expensive supply shock (at least in part) and, unlike Keynesian stimulus, it automatically scales to the size needed in the economy. If there is going to be additional deficit-financed support for the economy, it should be focused on the issue of the pandemic and recovery. Nothing would seem more targeted to those goals.”

Americans for Tax Reform: “The Healthy Workplace Tax Credit Act will help address the vitally important issue of workplace testing and safety, removing a barrier for businesses to reopen and workers to go back to their jobs.”

International Sanitary Supply Association: “We thank Representative Rice for proposing the Healthy Workplace Tax Credit aimed at helping to offset a portion of the unexpected expenses related to maintaining a healthy environment for workers, customers, and the public. This is necessary to help businesses afford the necessary cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting needed to help defend against further COVID-19 infections. Americans need the confidence and peace of mind to safely go back to work and enter businesses. This tax credit would allow employers to do just that by helping offset unexpected and additional costs associated with creating a cleaner and healthier environment for all.”

Job Creators Network: “Small businesses are primed to lead America’s recovery, but a significant factor holding them back is the growing cost of PPE, testing, and other safety measures to protect their employees and customers. The two bills being introduced by Ways and Means Republicans today will help small businesses shoulder that cost so we can regain our economic footing and deliver on the promise of a ‘V-shaped’ recovery. This is a win-win-win for small business owners, their employees, and their customers. Furthermore, this should not be a partisan issue. JCN will work closely with Congressman Rice, Congressman Schweikert, and the Ways and Means Committee to promote these bills. We urge Speaker Pelosi to bring them to a vote before the August recess.”

NAM: “Manufacturers are investing in facilities to keep their teams and customers safe. Bipartisan proposals like this align the tax code with the necessary improvements needed to keep our economy open as we have called for in our American Renewal Action Plan.”

National Grocers Association: “Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, independent retailers and wholesalers have been on the frontlines, keeping Americans fed while abiding by CDC guidelines to keep customers and employees safe. During this unprecedented time, our members are experiencing unexpected costs associated with preventing the spread of COVID-19 in their stores and facilities. The supermarket industry has changed drastically over the last several months, requiring grocers to extend more resources to maintain a safe workplace for employees and shopping experience for customers. This tax credit is an important first step in ensuring independent grocers can continue operating safely going forward.”

National Restaurant Association: “Restaurants are making major investments to ensure the safety of our employees and guests, including contactless payment services, modification of facilities for social distancing, enhanced sanitization, and increased use of personal protective equipment and disposable products. We thank Congressman Rice for introducing important legislation to help restaurants manage these growing costs amid massive economic disruption.”

National Retail Federation: “Consumer-facing businesses are confronting considerable new costs to make their locations safe for their customers and employees. This tax credit addresses many of those new expenses, including the costs of reconfiguring stores and restaurants to provide more social distancing, and ongoing costs for protective gear and cleaning. A tax credit is particularly helpful for businesses that are facing reduced sales after months of being closed and are encountering these costs as they take the steps necessary to assure their customers that it is safe to return.”

RILA: “The health and safety of every employee and customer is the number one priority for the retail industry. Retailers have already made significant updates to protocols that make shopping safe. The Healthy Workplace Tax Credit enables businesses of all sizes to continually make the necessary investments that give workers the confidence to return to work and consumers the reassurance that shopping can be done in a safe manner. Providing employers with this tax credit will help get our economy back on track. Leading retailers appreciate Rep. Rice’s leadership on this issue and look forward to working with him to get it included in the next COVID relief package.”

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