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Brady: WTO Ruling Underscores Need for Reform to Capture China’s Abuses

September 16, 2020

WASHINGTON—The top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement after the World Trade Organization issued a ruling against President Trump’s use of Section 301 to impose tariffs on China:

“It’s pretty rich that China sued the United States for imposing these tariffs when it has engaged in egregious practices for years – practices that have directly harmed our American businesses and workers. Many of these practices are not covered by WTO rules. Remarkably, China has not hesitated in imposing tariffs against the U.S. in return. 

“I support the WTO, but today’s decision once again shows that it is beyond time for reform. I call on WTO members to reform the WTO rules so that we can capture China’s abuses and protect our American workers, producers, and consumers.”

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