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ICYMI: Sec. Azar: Why Operation Warp Speed is a Made-in-America story

October 23, 2020

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar laid out in an op-ed for Fox Business how Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is utilizing the public and private sectors to deliver a vaccine to COVID-19 at record pace.

Key Points: 

  • “It is now highly credible that OWS will have produced up to 100 million doses of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine doses, made in America, by the end of 2020—twelve months from the publishing of the viral sequence.”
  • “Not only has manufacturing work begun; it’s begun on an industrial scale for all six OWS-supported vaccines. More than 23 manufacturing facilities across the U.S. have already been augmented and scaled up with support from OWS.”
  • “OWS is also using unprecedented cooperation with private industry to prepare for distributing a vaccine as soon as the career scientists at the FDA deem it safe and effective by their high standards.”

CLICK HERE or read below to read the full op-ed.

Fox Business

Why Operation Warp Speed is a Made-in-America story

By Sec. Alex Azar

Oct. 22, 2020

When we launched Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the unprecedented effort to produce and deliver safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines to Americans in record time, skeptics questioned the viability of such an undertaking.

The goals we set were optimistic and unprecedented. But it is now highly credible that OWS will have produced up to 100 million doses of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine doses, made in America, by the end of 2020—twelve months from the publishing of the viral sequence.

Advances in science are the foundation for this progress. But the broader set of requirements for ultimate success—unwavering leadership, ingenuity, determination, the commitment of enormous resources, exceptional logistical infrastructure, and public-private collaboration—can be assembled only in America.

For instance, one key way we’re accelerating the vaccine timeline without skipping any of the critical safety and efficacy steps is by investing in industrial-scale manufacturing of vaccine candidates while clinical trials continue to gather data.

CLICK HERE to read the op-ed.

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