WASHINGTON — The top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement after the Trump Administration finalized new rules regarding prescription drug pricing:
“We need to reduce the cost of overpriced drugs. That’s why House Republicans are championing H.R. 19, a bill comprised of bipartisan solutions to lower the cost of medicines for seniors while accelerating new cures and fixing perverse incentives in the Medicare drug program. We need a long-term, legislative solution to achieve our goal, and I believe HR 19 would accomplish the goal without raising seniors’ premiums or importing foreign price controls that slow down the development of new medical cures.”
- H.R. 19, the Lower Costs, More Cures Act, is the bipartisan path forward to crack down on overpriced drugs while encouraging more cures, exactly the prescription America needs during a global pandemic.
- House Democrats continued to put politics over patients, rather than pass meaningful legislation.
- Senate Democrats abandoned bipartisanship.