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Over $20K for Families Since April Under Trump’s Leadership

December 24, 2020

With an average family of four receiving over $20,000 in direct aid, on top of billions in dollars for relief, President Trump and Congressional Republicans were able to deliver for families and small businesses in the year-end COVID-19 relief and additional spending package.

Rep. Brady said: “Here is the key thing: President Trump won in these negotiations.”

Thanks to the President’s leadership, his priorities which made it into the final package include:

  • Tax Relief: Over $328 billion in tax cuts for families and local businesses was in this agreement.
  • Main Street Support: Billions more in PPP funding was approved.
  • Vaccine Distribution: Billions for shipping and distributing vaccines to American seniors and families was included in the bipartisan agreement.
  • Stopping Reckless Socialist Policies: Under President Trump’s leadership, the final agreement did NOT include bailouts for blue-state governors, did not contain a federal takeover of our elections, and won’t prolong our economic recovery.

Here are some key excerpts from this interview:

“I wouldn’t recommend to the President that he veto this. He is right to be upset about this process: Democrats in the House didn’t even bother to do a budget this year and Speaker Pelosi delayed for four months the work that needed to be done on COVID.”

“On the relief bill: More help for small businesses, getting airline workers back to work, helping defeat this COVID.”

“On the spending bill: His priorities – rebuilding the military, more money for the wall, fulling funding veterans and confronting China – he won on every one of those elements.”

“My biggest worry of vetoing this is that the spending won’t get smaller – it will get larger. That is what tends to happen.”

Between the CARES Act and the bill that passed yesterday: a family of four with one of the parents not working would have received nearly $21,000 of direct checks from the federal government.

As Rep. Brady said: “We ought to be looking at any new dollars from this standpoint—does it get people back to work, does it drive the local economy.”

The bottom line: President Trump delivered real, meaningful, and direct relief for Americans during this pandemic.