“We shouldn’t fund infrastructure on the backs of American workers, and that’s exactly who it hits the hardest,” said Ways and Means Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-TX) when asked about Biden’s $2.7 trillion tax hikes.
In a conversation with Larry Kudlow, Rep. Brady said, “When we lowered America’s business tax rates to 21 percent, we saw wages jump up significantly, more jobs, more hiring, better benefits, and we saw the low income and middle class lifted up as they haven’t in decades.”
WATCH: Rep. Kevin Brady talks Democrats’ Tax Hikes with Larry Kudlow on Fox Business
- As much as 70 percent of President Biden’s tax hikes fall on America’s working families.
- Half of America’s employees work for companies that would be taxed more, meaning they’ll see wages slashed, prices go up, and jobs shipped overseas.
- Raising the tax rate will drive U.S. business research, investment, and manufacturing overseas.