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The ‘70s Called, And It Wants Its Economy Back

May 14, 2021

It’s difficult to go to the grocery store, the gas station, or a restaurant these days and not see how Democrats are sabotaging our country’s recovery.

In fact, the Biden Administration is looking more and more like the disastrous Carter Administration.

Despite the successful distribution of millions of vaccinations, easing of COVID-era restrictions, and more than 8 million job openings – the prices of household items are skyrocketing, there are lines forming at gas stations, and Main Street cannot reopen.

And to top it all off – Democrats still insist that more runaway spending and crippling tax hikes are the answer to these challenges.

Why is this happening?

It Pays (More) To Not Work:

American Families Are Losing Their Purchasing Power:

  • Democrats’ runaway spending has real consequences: according to a new poll, a majority of American households aren’t able to keep up with Dems’ stealth tax.
  • Another survey found, “concerns about inflation are widespread, as Americans see higher prices for groceries and expect even higher prices in the future.”

Main Street Cannot Re-Hire or Re-Open:

  • Though vaccines are readily available and businesses are reopening, the majority of job creators cannot keep up with demand because they cannot find workers to fill job openings.