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Brady on Fox: We Need to Start Over on Infrastructure

May 24, 2021

“America is the net loser economically from infrastructure. That should never happen. And it’s why, really, we need to start over. What [President Biden] has will not work,” said Ways and Means Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-TX), asked about Democrats’ so-called infrastructure plan and tax hikes.


On Fox News, Rep. Brady said, “The policies in the Biden Administration are already hurting our economy. We saw this in the April jobs report. If anyone tells you these generous federal unemployment benefits aren’t making it harder for Main Street businesses to hire, they’re kidding themselves.


“We’re already seeing those problems. But these tax increases go further. Look, they don’t land on corporations. They land on the workers, on the families whose retirement depends upon these corporations, on the communities where these companies are at.”‘



Watch the full interview HERE.



  • Infrastructure Packed Full of Wasteful Spending: True infrastructure has always had bipartisan support, but Democrats “infrastructure” proposal is packed full of wasteful spending, radical Green New Deal, and lavish subsidies for millionaire owners of wind farms and electric vehicles.
  • Hurting Our Economy and Recovery: The abysmal April jobs report showed Main Street businesses strugglingto hire. We are already seeing these policies hurt our economy and our recovery.
  • Funding Infrastructure on the Backs of Workers: Tax hikes land on American workers and families in lower wages, less jobs as companies move overseas, and less investment in communities.