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REPORT: Biden’s Tax Plan Turns IRS Into Spying Regime

September 30, 2021

Although the IRS still doesn’t know what information was stolen three months after ProPublica published private taxpayer data and has a history of political targeting, congressional Democrats are pushing to supercharge the IRS and to invade Americans’ privacy.


Daniel Pilla details the agency’s long campaign for greater authority over taxpayer’s information, writing:


“As far as the IRS is concerned, there is no amount of data that is too much; there is no level of reporting that is too invasive; and there is no point at which the invasion of personal privacy has gone too far.  


“The IRS will never stop its demands for more data unless and until it has real-time access to every single detail of the financial dealings of every person and business in America.”


In a GOP meeting this week, top Ways and Means Republican Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) asked, “Why would we reward the IRS with greater power over sensitive taxpayer data after these scandals?”


CLICK HERE to read the full op-ed.




The American people and local banks will reject Democrats’ push for a more invasive, supercharged IRS.

  • Under the guise of going after the ‘tax gap,’ President Biden has a proposal to spend $80 billion on an army of auditors and to turn local banks into chapters of the IRS to report on the gross transactions of your personal and business bank account is unacceptable to the American people.
  • Every American must pay their taxes, but there’s very little evidence suggesting the IRS estimate on unpaid taxes (dubbed the “tax gap”) is accurate, given that it may be based on data from seven years ago or wild guesses on foreign transactions, cryptocurrency, concealed income, and other sectors.


READ: Fact Check: Biden’s Supercharged IRS Includes Bank Reporting, Hardships for Taxpayers


The burden of Democrats’ supercharged IRS reporting falls on families, small businesses, and local banks.


READ: The Numbers in Biden’s Invasive Tax Gap Plan Don’t Add Up