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Brady on Ambassador Tai’s Speech on Next Steps on China Phase One

October 04, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ahead of U.S. Trade Ambassador Katherine Tai’s speech on President Biden’s approach to trade with China, top Republican on the Ways and Means Committee Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement:


“Ambassador Tai is a talented U.S. trade representative who understands the importance of developing an aggressive, ambitious strategy to level the playing field with China.

“Due to President Biden’s de facto moratorium on new trade agreements which regrettably leaves America on the sidelines while our foreign competitors divvy up the world’s customers for their own, it’s more important than ever that USTR go beyond merely enforcing the Phase One Agreement with China.

“It will be a big economic disappointment for America’s farmers, manufacturers and tech workers if Ambassador Tai fails to announce that the Biden Administration will pursue negotiations for a Phase Two agreement with China that addresses troubling trade distortions including industrial subsidies, market access and protection of U.S. intellectual property.

“America needs to lead on trade, and merely playing around the margins will not create more customers for Made-in-America products and services.”


READ: BRADY: Build Back in America, Not China