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Brady: Dreadful News for America’s Slowing Recovery as Americans Lose Confidence in Biden’s Economic Leadership

October 08, 2021

Responding to the dismal September jobs report, Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) issued the following statement:

“This is more dreadful news for America’s slowing recovery, for Main Street businesses struggling to find workers, and for families whose paychecks just can’t keep up with higher prices.

“President Biden is now a whopping 944,000 jobs short of what he promised from his last stimulus and worse, has lost the confidence of the American people to lead the economy.” 

“If this were a football team with this losing record, the coach would be searching for a new job at this point.” 

Background: The Bureau of Labor Statistics released its unemployment report for September showing only 194,000 jobs created. Including revisions, President Biden is falling short of jobs promised as part of the March American Rescue Plan stimulus by 944,000 jobs. Biden will need nearly 1.5 million jobs to close the gap next month. The unemployment rate fell slightly to 4.8 percent, and labor force participation remains stuck at 61.6 percent. This is still 1.7 percentage points lower than pre-pandemic level of 63.3 percent.