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ADVISORY: Republican Meeting: “The Devastating Consequences of Biden’s IRS Surveillance of Americans’ Bank Accounts”

October 22, 2021

Ways and Means Republicans are fighting back against Democrats’ plan to have the IRS conduct surveillance on Americans’ bank accounts. Democrats are developing this plan behind closed doors and out of the public eye, claiming that this will go after the wealthy when in fact it goes after blue-collar workers, hair dressers, farmers, and small businesses.


Ways and Means Republican Oversight Subcommittee Leader Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) will host a virtual roundtable titled “The Devastating Consequences of Biden’s IRS Surveillance of Americans’ Bank Accounts” on Tuesday, October 26, at 11 am ET.




  • Clem Rosenberger, President & CEO of NexTier Bank. 


  • Bob Fisher, President & CEO of Tioga State Bank. 


  • Jim Edwards, CEO of United Bank.


These witnesses will be able to discuss the real-world impact of this surveillance scheme on families and small businesses across the country. They will also be able to speak to the massive burden this proposal would put on small, community banks and the impact it will have on the relationship between banks and their local communities.


This meeting will take place remotely via Cisco WebEx video conferencing.


Members of the public may view the meeting via live webcast available on the Ways and Means Committee Republicans YouTube page HERE.