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Brady: Amid $6 Trillion in Spending, Biden, Dems Don’t Spend a Dime on IRS Backlog

January 11, 2022

As the Treasury Department warns American taxpayers they may face a difficult tax filing season due to ongoing backlogs at the IRS, Republican Leader on the House Ways and Means Committee Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement:


“Hardworking taxpayers are paying the price of President Biden’s incompetence in failing to resolve the historically long backlog of tax filings at the IRS. The President and congressional Democrats have overseen $6 trillion in spending this year — and not a dime to help the IRS work off the painful backlog. 


“Instead of helping taxpayers get their refunds, this President is prioritizing a dangerous bank surveillance scheme and unleashing 80,000 IRS agents on families, farmers, and small businesses who they are convinced are tax cheats.”