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FACT CHECK: Unpacking Biden’s Beef with Meatpackers

January 26, 2022

The White House has explained months of working families’ lost income by passing the buck and accusing the meatpacking industry of “pandemic profiteering.”

The Biden Administration has also promised to crack down on price increases through antitrust measures, which former Obama-Biden economic adviser Larry Summers has decried as “science denial.”

READ: No One Buys the Bidenflation Blame Game

Here is actually what’s behind the skyrocketing cost of meat:

FACT: Meatpackers are no exception to the rising cost of labor.

READ: Study: Biden’s Unemployment Bonus Held Back Economic Recovery

FACT: Production costs have also skyrocketed.

FACT: Biden’s other policies are crushing meat production and won’t make things better any time soon.

  • The National Pork Producers Council warns in their January economic update that “the rising prices of transportation, energy, and labor, production costs and breakeven levels will likely remain elevated in 2022.”
  • President Biden’s first action in office was to kill energy jobs and make America more dependent on foreign energy.
  • As Andrew Stuttaford warns in the New York Post, the Biden Administration’s “attempts to ‘improve free markets’ […] are likely to mean even higher prices to come.”

WATCH: Democrats’ Recipe for Higher Inflation

BOTTOM LINE: Attempting to pass the buck for inflation onto meatpackers is dishonest and denies reality.

Despite evidence that the Biden Administration’s policies have sabotaged our economic recovery, Democrats continue to push for policies in their next $5 trillion spending bill that will raise taxes on job creators and keep Americans from reconnecting with work – all of which will add fuel to the inflation fire.