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Rep. Jason Smith: More COVID money won’t cover up Biden’s failures

February 11, 2022

Why should Americans trust the Biden Administration to spend another $5 trillion when they have already bungled the economy? “The Administration’s own trail of inflationary fueled spending over the last year has hardly emboldened Americans’ confidence that government is a good steward of their tax dollars,” writes Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO), Republican Leader of the Budget Committee and member of Ways and Means.

Key Excerpts:

  • “[Democrats] put their full energy into passing trillions of dollars in new spending – fueling an explosion in inflation that has driven up prices Americans are paying at the gas pump and grocery store.”
  • “They passed President Biden’s $2 trillion Bailout Bill, claiming it was urgently needed for ‘COVID relief.’ But the truth is that less than nine percent of that bill went to public health spending to combat COVID-19. A sizeable portion of the other 91 percent effectively became a slush fund for state and local governments – meaning millions of dollars are being wasted and misused to build parking lots in South Carolina, plant trees in New York, build golf courses and clubhouses, and even send Japanese citizens living in Japan and convicted prisoners, including the Boston Marathon Bomber, $1,400 stimulus checks. The list goes on.”
  • “But it was not just a rampant waste of taxpayer dollars. President Biden also diverted $850 million from COVID-19 testing, $151 million from building a supply chain for vaccines and therapeutics, and $850 million from replenishing the Strategic National Stockpile to instead pay for the housing of illegal immigrants at the border.”
  • “[F]ailing to answer simple questions as to how their last “COVID-19” spending binge has seemingly left our country less equipped to handle the virus, is the very reason not another dime of so-called “COVID-relief” dollars should be handed over to this White House, regardless of how noble the cause may sound.”

Read the full op-ed in Fox News here.