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Rep. Adrian Smith: Rein in Government Spending to Grow Our Economy

February 14, 2022

“We cannot tax and spend our way to prosperity,” top Republican on the Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE) writes in an op-ed, emphasizing that while less than 10 percent of Democrats’ recent reckless government spending actually went towards COVID-related measures, American families are paying the price with inflation and shrinking wages.


CLICK HERE to read the full op-ed. 


Key Excerpts:

  • “Unfortunately, my Democrat colleagues would still rather raise taxes and continue their reckless spending spree than curb their spending addiction. Raising taxes is not the answer because we do not have a revenue problem in this country – we have a spending problem. In fact, every year since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – tax reform President Trump signed into law – was enacted, revenue has increased.”
  • “…(O)ut-of-control government spending has already led to an economic crisis across this country. Take for example Democrats’ $1.9 trillion stimulus package. While the Biden Administration would have you believe the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) – the largest “stimulus package” in American history – was intended to combat COVID-19, less than 10 percent of the funding went toward COVID-related measures. There was bipartisan opposition to the ARPA, and I voted against it because we cannot tax and spend our way to prosperity.”
  • “If we want to grow our economy and leave our country better for future generations then we must rein in out-of-control spending; allow hardworking American families to keep more of what they earn through permanent tax relief; and get the federal government out of the way of American innovation and ingenuity.”

CLICK HERE to read the full op-ed.