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Brady: President Biden is Completely Out of Touch on Inflation and Looming Wage-Price Spiral

March 02, 2022

“If you’re an American family worried about inflation that’s crushing you, you couldn’t feel good about tonight. 

“If you’re a Main Street business struggling to find workers, you heard nothing that will help you. 

“And of course, when it comes to the economy, the President’s disconnected from reality here.”

Republican Leader on the Ways and Means Committee Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) reacted to President Biden’s State of the Union address on PBS NewsHour.

“I know he believes the economy is doing great, but half of Americans right now believe the economy is in a recession or depression and two thirds believe that prices will be higher than their paycheck for the next three to five years. The President’s economic message fell flat.”

CLICK HERE to watch the full interview.

On Fox Business, Rep. Brady reacted to Biden’s plan to lower inflation and prices:

“A lot of economists are worried we’re already in a wage-price spiral, which no country wants because it always ends in a recession. The President is completely out of touch on this issue, as he has been since that $2 trillion COVID stimulus that kicked off and fueled all this inflation.”

“At a time when we ought to be weaning ourselves off of Russian oil and gas–and being a more reliable partner for Europe to wean them off of Russian oil and gas–the President is actually taking steps to drive prices higher and do less Made-in-America energy. It just doesn’t make sense.”

CLICK HERE to watch the full interview.

On Yahoo Finance, Rep. Brady examined how President Biden can course correct the economy:

“In my view, it’s all about the workers right now. All of the emergency COVID programs that discourage the jobless from returning to work need to end. The President needs to drop the tax hikes on American businesses that would drive inflation higher and make us economically vulnerable to China, Russia, and other foreign countries. 

“He also needs to end the Build Back Better provisions, because some of them drive up child-care costs and other issues that would actually discourage Americans from returning to work.”

CLICK HERE to watch the full interview.