To strengthen America’s economy against Russia’s unjustified invasion of Ukraine, Republican Leader on the Ways and Means Committee Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) called on Democrats to stop their obsession with higher taxes and bolster American energy production on “Mornings with Maria” on Fox Business and the “Journal Editorial Report” on Fox News.
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Asked about banning imports of Russian energy products, Rep. Brady said:
“Anything we can achieve that weakens Putin’s economy or denies him revenue is the right thing to do.” Rep. Brady said. “This sends a clear signal to Putin that this war is unacceptable and we stand with the people of Ukraine.”
Rep. Brady added:
“I worry this President will do nothing to replace Russian oil with American-made oil. I worry that he’s so beholden to the Green New Deal that he’ll leave that very important step out.”
Rep. Brady discussed implementing global gas and oil sanctions against Russia:
“The key here on these strategies is to bring other countries along with us on these sanctions. What we ought to be doing is fully unleashing the power of American-made energy, exporting it around the world as quickly as we can. We’re seeing the Administration delay some of the key permits for that.”
“To my knowledge, the administration is taking no action to unleash more American-made energy. And just to put this in perspective, the Keystone pipeline alone would’ve supplied more energy in the United States than what we import from Russia each year.”
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Rep. Brady weighed in on the possibility of another push for Democrats’ spending and tax hikes bill:
“Tax hikes and other programs will weaken our ability to compete at exactly the wrong time,” Rep. Brady said.
“There is such a demand for higher taxes and these really lavish Green New Deal subsidies that go to the biggest corporations and frankly the wealthiest Americans. There still is an appetite among Democrats for that.
“Both Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema had it right in their guts: these tax hikes will land on middle-class workers and will show up in higher prices and greater inflation. There could not be a worse time for us to be doing this.”