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ALERT: Even Democrats Worry More Government Spending Will Worsen Inflation

March 23, 2022

With prices rising faster than paychecks and causing major financial strain for American families, the Biden Administration proposed more government spending including Biden Bucks “gas cards” sent by the IRS.

  • Even some Democrat officials worry Biden Bucks “gas cards” could “worsen inflation” without lowering costs, according to Axios.

READ: FACT CHECK: The Real Reason Behind High Energy Costs

  • Economic experts have already cited Democrats’ existing policies like monthly stimulus checks and unemployment bonuses have increased inflation, and discouraged Americans from returning to work.

READ: Even Biden’s Favored Economic Forecaster Doubts Dems’ ‘Fix’ for Bidenflation

READ: Burden of IRS Backlogs Falls on American Taxpayers

If Democrats wanted to get serious about addressing 40-year high inflation and the skyrocketing price of gas, then they should: