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Jobs Growth Is Slowing and Biden Admin is in Denial

June 15, 2022

Under the Biden Administration’s economic mismanagement, jobs growth is slowing. The Congressional Budget Office is projecting monthly average growth of only 63,000 jobs, starting next year. Before the pandemic, monthly average jobs growth was around 190,000.

Even at a low rate of 150,000 jobs created per month, it would still take 30 months to reduce job openings back to their pre-pandemic level.

Read: Fact Check: Biden Continues to Pass the Buck on Inflation, and Still Doesn’t Have a Plan

Yet President Biden spun a drop in jobs growth as a positive signal:

“If average monthly job creation shifts in the next year from current levels of 500,000 to something closer to 150,000, it will be a sign that we are successfully moving into the next phase of recovery.”


Small businesses losing jobs is a red flag for a looming recession: America’s small businesses have lost jobs three out of the last four months. This is a big red flag that often signals a recession is around the corner. 

Democrats’ $2 trillion so-called COVID stimulus boosted inflation: Inflation skyrocketed after President Biden’s “COVID stimulus” forced small business owners to raise prices as government spending increased their costs, a worker shortage left them desperate for workers, and looming tax hikes threatened their futures.

Democrats’ expanded unemployment benefits kept Americans on the sidelines: President Biden and Democrats’ “war on work” kept Americans on the sidelines and crushed Main Street’s hiring efforts by paying the jobless lavish unemployment benefits, sending endless government checks, and creating “emergency” social programs that no longer required Americans to work to be eligible.