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Brady: Biden Economy is Still Shrinking Towards Inevitable Recession

June 28, 2022

President Biden’s reckless spending, war on work, and attack on American energy drove up prices and steered the economy towards an inevitable recession, Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) said on “The Guy Benson Show” on Fox News Radio. He argued that Democrats’ gas tax gimmick and crippling tax hikes will make inflation on Americans and Main Street businesses even worse.

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President Biden’s policies have made a recession inevitable:

“I don’t think there’s any chance we avoid recession, and there’s a good chance we’re already in one. As you know, the economy shrunk the first three months of the year, and there’s a likely chance it’s shrinking again. Inflation has driven so much of this crisis and in a latest poll, eight out of ten Americans believe we will be in recession or already are in one. Our Main Street small businesses feel exactly the same way.”


Even Democrats blame President Biden for soaring inflation:

“Even the President’s own Democrats acknowledge that his spending, paying people more to stay home than to work, and driving up energy prices have made America’s inflation about three percentage points higher than the rest of the world. 


“So here’s our solution: Stop spending more government money that fuels inflation. That means get that COVID-era stimulus and all that stimulus out of the budget.


“Secondly, rather than raise taxes, we would lower taxes especially on Main Street businesses and companies that need to invest in the supply chain and new equipment and technology to get production going. 


“We ought to reconnect workers to their jobs. The President has been in denial about the worker crisis now for a year and a half, yet it is a big reason we don’t have the people to man the production lines, assemble the products, deliver them, or service them.”


READ: ONE PAGER: Steps to Fight Biden-Flation


President Biden’s “Gas Tax Gimmick” fuels American’s pain at the pump:

“It is insignificant and it’s insulting. For an average family, it saves them about $7 over three months. Gasoline is on its way to $6 now, and it’s just crushing families along with the price of clothing, utilities, food, and everything else. It’s another gimmick that won’t lower prices. In fact, most economists think that even with the gas tax holiday, people will keep driving, and prices will go back up even higher. 


“People are tired of the President’s excuses, the blame game, and the political gimmicks he thinks will get people distracted. Even Democrats in a latest poll blame the president for inflation and higher prices.”


READ: ONE-PAGER: White House’s ‘Gas Tax Holiday’ is a Gimmick


Democrats’ crackdown on American-made energy is the problem – not a “Putin Price Hike”:

“Listen to the President’s own words, bragging about shutting down the oil and gas industry in America before he drove fuel prices up. Inflation when he took office was a little over 1 percent. It was 7 percent when this war started. He had already driven up the cost of oil and gas, food, clothing and everything else before this war began.”


Democrats will make this even worse:

“President Biden is still trying to do a slimmed down Build Back Better with a trillion dollars in tax hikes before we leave August 1. It’s going to be crushing both to inflation and to jobs, and by the way, they have about $47 billion of tax hikes on American oil and gas.”