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ADVISORY: The Perils of President Biden’s Student Debt Forgiveness Plan

July 19, 2022

Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and top Republican for the Oversight Subcommittee Republican Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) will hold a roundtable titled “The Perils of President Biden’s Student Debt Forgiveness Plan” TOMORROW, Wednesday, July 20, at 10:00 AM ET.



  • Dr. Beth Akers, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute



  • As inflation rages across the country, the Biden Administration is pursuing a regressive student loan policy that is nothing but a giveaway to highly educated college graduates. 
  • President Biden’s student loan giveaway overlooks Americans hurt most by inflation – Biden-Flation hits the poor and middle class the hardest. Meanwhile, congressional Democrats continue to push for trillions more in crippling Build Back Better tax hikes that will make inflation worse.
  • Rather than prioritizing inflation raging for Americans and Main Street businesses, President Biden’s student loan giveaway puts the economy on the backburner once again.
  • Forgiving $10,000 of student loan debt per person does nothing to bring down inflation, and will only exacerbate the rising cost of higher education rather than address it.


This meeting will take place remotely via Cisco WebEx video conferencing. 


Members of the public may view the meeting via live webcast available on the Ways and Means Committee Republicans YouTube page HERE.