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Brady Portrait to Hang in Ways and Means Hearing Room

July 29, 2022

Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) unveiled his official portrait to be displayed in the Committee’s hearing room yesterday during a ceremony filled with family, friends, and colleagues.


The portrait of Rep. Brady will soon hang in the Ways and Means Committee’s hearing room, joining the portraits of former Committee Chairmen. Rep. Brady served as the 66th Chairman of Ways and Means during the 114th and 115th Congresses, and only the third from Texas.


During his years as Chairman, Rep. Brady led a historic reform of America’s tax code – the first in 30 years. The tax cuts for families and local businesses in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) restored America to the most competitive economy in the world, and led to millions of new jobs, the highest household income, the lowest poverty rate in half a century, and a return of U.S. jobs and investment from overseas.


As a champion of free enterprise and American-Made energy, Rep. Brady’s first achievement as Chairman was successfully negotiating on behalf of Speaker Paul Ryan for an end to the 40-year ban on selling U.S. crude oil overseas, leading to American energy independence.


Rep. Brady helped successfully secure passage of 13 of America’s 15 trade agreements, including President Trump’s United States-Mexico-Canada agreement (USMCA) to help American workers and businesses compete and win access to new customers around the world.


Rep. Brady also negotiated bipartisan IRS reform for the first time in two decades, a historical national ban on surprise medical bills, and sweeping reform of America’s retirement system. These are just a few of his many accomplishments.


The portrait was painted by Stephen Craighead.


Watch the portrait unveiling HERE.