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Brady: Every American Should Worry About an IRS with Power to Target Based on Political, Religious Beliefs

August 04, 2022

“This is just yet another attack on faith-based organizations and religious freedom,” Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) said on Washington Watch with guest host Joseph Backholm after House Democrats sent a letter to the IRS seeking investigations into Family Research Council’s tax exempt status.


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In an effort to target faith-based organizations, House Democrats sent a letter to the IRS calling for a review of Family Research Council’s tax-exempt status.

“This is just yet another attack on faith-based organizations and religious freedom. Family Research Council I know is an association of churches. I watched the process that they undertook. It’s a very diligent, thoughtful, deliberative process. I was recently with Tony and his team here in The Woodlands where they were doing outreach in a conference with our faith leaders in our region, offering and providing the services for the ministry and the outreach that churches seek to do across our country and need across our world. I think this is a politically motivated and frivolous letter and effort. This IRS has a history of targeting conservatives and faith-based organizations. I hope they will see this for what it is and dismiss this call for any kind of investigation.”


With the supercharged IRS proposals in the new Manchin-Biden Build Back Better, every American should worry about the power of the IRS to target Americans based on political or religious beliefs.

“Every American should worry about an IRS who has the power to destroy through taxation and its actions that any IRS from any government, any administration, would be able to target Americans based on their political or the biblical beliefs. I worry that’s happening again today. 


“The effort is to intimidate and muzzle faith-based organizations. It’s one of the reasons they fought so hard in tax reform in the House, working with Tony Perkins and other leaders, why we repealed the Johnson Amendment to make sure that those who speak from the pulpit, who practice their biblical beliefs, cannot be targeted by the IRS and their tax exempt status. Unfortunately, that was later stripped out in tax reform, but the first time – twice actually – it passed the US House. I’m hopeful someday we can provide faith-based groups of all faiths that protection from the government. This has been a long and difficult fight, and I’m sure it will continue.”


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