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Dems Turn Blind Eye to Americans’ Energy Needs

October 20, 2022

Not only is the Biden Administration in denial about inflation and recession – they’re turning a blind eye to the energy crisis Americans are facing. Look no further than the Admin’s actions this week.

  • Pain at the pump: After draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to the lowest level since 1984, President Biden announced he’d deplete it by another 15 million more barrels. With gas prices still up 62 percent from the time he took office, this has done little to ease the pain at the pump.
  • Green giveaways: With the price of electric vehicles (EV) upwards of $66,000 – well outside of the tight budgets of working families – he handed nearly $3 billion in taxpayer-funded subsidies to EV manufacturers. 

Worse, Democrats’ $25 billion tax hikes on American-made energy will slash production and raise costs, just as a new report expects the average American family will pay the highest energy prices in 25 years this winter.

Key Takeaways:

Democrats Have Declared War on American-Made Energy.

  • Democrats’ $25 billion energy tax hikes will slash U.S. energy production and raise costs for families, according to analysis from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO). 
  • Prices at the pump will also go higher as the $12 billion superfund tax hike gets passed along to drivers.

READ: Biden Hurts U.S. Consumers with Tax Hikes on American-Made Energy and Failed Gambit to Beg OPEC for More Oil

Working Families are Facing an Energy Crisis.  

  • More than half of American workers’ paychecks have fallen behind – the highest share of workers since 2011, the last time President Biden was in the White House.
  • Soaring energy prices are hurting lower- and middle-income families the most, disproportionately hurting those making $50,000 or less. These working families have to choose between heating their homes and buying essentials.
  • Nearly 20 percent of American households have made a late payment on their energy bills, or missed paying altogether, according to a report from Bank of America.

READ: As Democrats’ Policies Cripple the Economy, Americans Struggle to Keep the Lights On

Republicans’ Commitment to America Means a Stronger Economy & Energy Independence.

  • Republicans’  Commitment to America includes “an economy that’s strong” and “regaining American energy independence.” 
  • Republicans have a proven track record of creating an economy where domestic energy production is unleashed, and families benefit from good-paying jobs and more take-home pay.

READ: GOP Tax Reform Helped Low-Income Families, But Their Gains Are Declining After Biden Stimulus