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Biden’s Cruel Economy Missed Expectations Six Out of Seven Quarters

October 27, 2022

“President Biden has missed expectations in six out of seven economic quarters he’s led, even though those numbers have been dumbed down over time,” Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) said in a conversation with Stuart Varney on “Varney & Co.” on Fox Business, responding to today’s third quarter GDP report.


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Democrats voted to default on our debt, yet President Biden  won’t address Republican concerns about the debt:


“I expect our debts to be paid and on time. This won’t be 2018 where Speaker Pelosi and Democrats voted to default on our debt. We will have an adult conversation about what is the trajectory of our deficits. Is there a way to both spur growth and put some common-sense guardrails around spending that would get us in a better place? That’s how I predict that will go.


“I heard the claim about Republicans on Social Security and Medicare. I would point out that has been fact checked as false with four Pinocchios.” 


Republicans’ Commitment to America means a stronger economy:


“Part of our Commitment to America is an economy that’s strong and what you’ll see House Republicans focus on less government spending, less taxes and regulation that fuel inflation under President Biden, more American-Made energy, more workers reconnected to their jobs, and more innovation and stronger supply chains that lower inflation.


“You will see Republicans take the opposite tack of this president. We just saw new reports that the average pay cut for Americans because of Biden-Flation is the highest in 25 years. It’s a month’s worth of their salary. Today, they are digging into their savings, skipping meals, delaying retirement, their nest egg has also gone down by about a quarter so most Americans know Joe Biden’s economy is a very cruel one.”


Today’s new GDP report shows President Biden failed to meet expectations for six of seven quarters in his term:


“President Biden has missed expectations in six out of seven economic quarters he’s led, even though those numbers have been dumbed down over time. It’s because he drove inflation and this worker shortage so hard and, frankly, has no plan to get out of it at all. Unfortunately I think Americans will pay a very steep price for his economic failures.”

READ: Brady: In New GDP Report, Biden Gets Fleeting “Ghost Growth” Hiding Alarming Red Flags for Stagnant Economy