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Brady: Ahead of Holiday Season, Biden-Flation Delivers Rising Prices for Small Business Owners

November 16, 2022

After the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its October Producer Price Index (PPI) reporting that wholesale prices rose for businesses rose by 8 percent from the previous year, Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) issued the following statement:

“So much for a joyous holiday season for small business owners, prices rise 8 percent from the previous year on the goods they’re selling to gift-shopping customers. Facing a labor shortage and bracing for a recession, a recent survey found that nearly a third of Main Street businesses have fallen behind on their rent.

“Worse yet, with a recession on the horizon, American families are bracing for their paychecks to continue shrinking.

“The Washington Post awarded President Biden a ‘bottomless Pinocchio,’ yet the President is committed to his failed economic policies – which will only exacerbate Americans’ suffering in this cruel economy.”