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WSJ Podcast: American Families Need Certainty of Lower Taxes as they Battle Biden Recession

November 18, 2022

“There’s going to be a focus on affordability, lowering the cost of living, making America energy more independent, and reducing gas prices,” Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) said on the Wall Street Journal’s Free Expression podcast in a conversation with Editor-at-Large Gerard Baker, discussing Republican priorities for a new majority. “You’ll see less government spending, taxes and regulation that fuel inflation, more American-Made energy, more workers re-connected to their work, and more innovation that reduces the pressure on inflation.”


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A Republican Majority will put checks and balances on President Biden’s extreme agenda.


“A majority in the House has some real impacts for America. One, it is an automatic check and balance against the one-party rule in Washington, D.C. It stops the more radical agenda from President Biden and Democrats in Congress. That’s first and foremost. 


“Secondly, the power of the purse is now a check and balance and the House can use that leverage on spending each year in the budget to challenge executive overreach or executive actions and regulations that are now approved by Congress or go outside of their legal bounds.


“Thirdly, you will see House Republicans advancing the Commitment to America, which is really based on an economy that’s strong, a nation that is safe, a future that’s built on freedom, and a government that’s accountable.”


“For Ways and Means, there’s going to be a focus on affordability, lowering the cost of living, making American energy more independent, and reducing gas prices. You’ll see less government spending, less taxes and regulation that fuel inflation, more American-Made energy, more workers re-connected to their work, and more innovation that reduces the pressure on inflation.”

Making Republican tax reform permanent is key to lock in low taxes for families and small businesses.


“There’s a certainty to having lower taxes that I think can be helpful right now as we battle the economic pain of the President’s recession.”


“We are going to work in the few remaining weeks we have in this session to see if we can continue to extend those Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions that are starting to expire. They’re really important to economic growth, to research and development, and investment in America. They should be bipartisan. They’re not very costly, but they’re important to grow. We’re hopeful we can put together some common ground balanced small package this year.”


“I’m very confident our debts will be paid and our government is going to be funded. I am hopeful that there will be an adult conversation in those moments about how we address long term the financial status of America. 


“I’d like to see a longer term bipartisan approach that focuses on more economic growth that provides revenues, puts some smart guardrails that can really balance government spending versus the economy. That growth and guardrails approach over time can put us in a much better financial situation.”


Ways and Means Republicans are leading investigations to track down the waste of taxpayer dollars, fight for transparency, and hold the Biden Administration accountable for its unprecedented executive overreach.


“Accountability should always be a priority. Our belief is that the American public has been in the dark about how the government operates for the past two years. There’s been no accountability to that. And so in the Ways and Means Committee, you will see a focus on things that matter to families and workers. 


“We just saw the greatest theft of American tax dollars in history, up to $400 billion in unemployment fraud. How did that happen? How do we prevent it? How do we recover those tax dollars within the IRS?”


“Our focus on accountability is going to be on the issues that matter to families and workers. We think that’s where the priorities are.”


The Biden Administration’s trade moratorium exacerbates Biden’s cruel economy.


“We know when we compete on a level playing field we win. We create jobs, real jobs, and economic growth here in America. The problem is President Biden is off the trade field at a time when China, Europe, Japan, and others are reaching agreements that put their workers in charge or with an advantage. President Biden has called a halt to all discussions on new free trade agreements. 


“At a time when we need to be challenging China’s economic aggression, we’re on the sidelines. At a time when we need a level playing field, we need customers for our products and services, the President has chosen what I would call shallow trade dialogue frameworks that really don’t move the needle. 


“America needs to be leading on trade and I’m convinced, based on a historic vote on the US-Mexico Canada agreement – the strongest vote I’ve seen on a trade agreement in the 26 years I’ve been in Congress – I think there is a lot of momentum there. I worry the President has squandered that momentum.”