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Brady: We Don’t Just Have to Sit Here and Take a President Biden-Induced Recession

November 21, 2022

A Republican majority will check President Biden’s extreme agenda, Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) said on the “Journal Editorial Report” on Fox News. Rep. Brady said, “Part of that will be starting to make the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent when it expires four years from now, laying the foundation for economic growth in a recession, and trying to help the American people understand we just don’t have to sit here and take a President Biden-induced recession.”


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Democrats don’t have a trade agenda at a time when we need to sell America-made products all over the world. 


“As you know, there is no trade agenda under this administration. We’ve got programs that have expired two years ago – that have always been bipartisan – and ought to be authorized, but President Biden is hung up over the Democrats’ insistence on Trade Adjustment Assistance, a program that normally travels with a trade agenda. Unfortunately, one doesn’t exist.”


Congress will not fail to pass the debt ceiling, but ought to work in a bipartisan way to address government spending.


One, we’re going to pay our debts. I think that’s really important. That’s not in jeopardy. We’ve got about nine months for both parties to work together on the debt ceiling issue. I’m not convinced that they will be able to fast track and rush that debt ceiling through. 


“We can have an adult conversation about how we address over the long term a financial crisis here that ultimately will occur. We ought to take some steps longer term toward toward resolving that.”


A Republican majority will check President Biden’s extreme agenda.


“Our focus is going to be on creating an economy that’s strong through a focus on less government spending, less taxes and regulation that fuel higher prices, helping more Made-in-America energy, and more workers reconnecting to their work. 


“Part of that will be starting to make the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent when it expires four years from now, laying the foundation for economic growth in a recession, and trying to help the American people understand we just don’t have to sit here and take a President Biden-induced recession. There are actions we can take to make their lives more affordable and less painful as we go through this recession.”


“For the last two years the American public has been kept in the dark. We are going to hold the Administration accountable for the greatest theft of tax dollars in American history, as well as focusing on the IRS backlog of tax returns, privacy, bank surveillance, IRS agents – issues that affect the lives of working families.”

Brady: We Don’t Just Have to Sit Here and Take a President Biden-Induced Recession