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Dems Refuse Relief for Families and Economic Growth in Year-End Spending Bill

December 22, 2022

In lieu of additions that would have provided relief in President Biden’s cruel economy, Democrats doubled down on more reckless spending in their year-end spending bill, Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) said on “Kudlow” on Fox Business in a conversation with Larry Kudlow. “This spending is on top of $3 trillion more that Democrats approved above the budget already,” Rep. Brady said.

Democrats refused to include three provisions that would provide relief for families and stimulated the economy.

  • “These are three provisions – very small in cost and score, but huge for the economy. They would have taken full opportunity of research and development, innovation, which is so crucial, full expensing of equipment and technology that will help our supply chain crisis, and then an incentive for investment here in the U.S.”
  • “We fought hard but Democrats frankly always think they have more leverage. They wanted hundreds of billions of dollars for a Child Tax Credit that has not lowered child poverty and has encouraged people to stay home from work. That was not a trade or a deal that we would accept.”

Instead of including tax cuts for families and workers, Democrats prioritized costly provisions that will worsen inflation.

  • “At the end of the day, Democrats refused to budge on more of the COVID-era “Inflation Reduction Act” that drove inflation. They insisted on these provisions and frankly we used common sense in rejecting that type of additional spending.”
  • “What’s frustrating is that this spending is on top of $3 trillion more that Democrats approved above the budget already. This has been a budget-busting two years to add this on top of.”

Republicans are committed to creating a stronger economy for American workers through pro-growth tax and deregulatory policies.

  • “We’re two weeks away from sharing the power of the purse, one of the biggest powers that you use to rein in government – that executive overreach and those regulations that drive inflation.”
  • “We’re two weeks away from having a real say in this terrible Biden White House. I think that having the Senate take that pen away from House Republicans and away from Kay Granger, who will be the first Republican woman to lead Appropriations, knows the border, knows the military, knows pro-growth policies – that has been really frustrating to say the least.”