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What They Are Saying: IRS Forced File Scheme

May 20, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC – The IRS’ forced file scheme is coming under intense scrutiny as more information comes to light about how it would render the American people powerless against an IRS that is the tax preparer, filer, and auditor. Democrats want to give the same agency that routinely leaks confidential information and struggles to provide basic customer service the task of accurately preparing the tax returns of millions of Americans. In order to achieve the exact outcome the Biden Administration wanted, officials cooked the books in a “study” used to justify this scheme: achieving complete control over the tax filing process for working Americans from start to finish.


Not surprising, a number of organizations and media outlets are weighing in against the IRS forced file scheme.


Americans for Tax Reform

Biden IRS’s $15 million study run by a left-wing think tank that already supports the IRS preparing taxes was window dressing for the IRS scheming to be the tax preparer and filer for working Americans.


Taxpayers Protection Alliance

The IRS struggles with leaking confidential information and providing basic customer service. The agency does not need almost unlimited access to working Americans’ financial information.

National Taxpayers Union

The IRS may be America’s least favorite government agency, yet Democrats are inviting the IRS to intrude even more in Americans’ lives.

Citizens Against Government Waste

The IRS should focus on its role to administer America’s complex tax code, instead of spending millions more to create a redundant and unworkable forced file scheme.

Wall Street Journal: Cooking the IRS Study Books

A survey given to the IRS months before the release of its forced file feasibility “study” showed that a majority of Americans don’t want the IRS to prepare their taxes, especially since the IRS lacks the authority to file state taxes.


READ: WSJ: Cooking the IRS Study Books