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Smith: Hunter Biden Attorneys Attempt to Chill Investigation Using Same Retaliatory Tone Against Whistleblowers as Biden DOJ

June 30, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – After Hunter Biden’s attorneys sent a 10-page letter to the Ways and Means Committee attempting to discredit IRS employees blowing the whistle on misconduct and abuse in an investigation into their client, Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement:

“It’s little surprise that Hunter Biden’s attorneys are attempting to chill our investigation and discredit the whistleblowers who say they have already faced retaliation from the IRS and the Department of Justice despite statutory protections established by law. These whistleblowers bravely came forward with allegations about misconduct and preferential treatment for Hunter Biden – and now face attacks even from an army of lawyers he hired.

“Worse, this letter misleads the public about the lawful actions taken by the Ways and Means Committee, which took the appropriate legal steps to share this information with rest of Congress. It doesn’t even address concerns that counsel for Mr. Biden was regularly tipped off about potential warrants and raids in pursuit of evidence that implicated him, as well as his father. We will continue to go where the facts take us—and we will not abandon our investigation just because Mr. Biden’s lawyers don’t like it.”