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What They Are Saying: Ways and Means Health Care Bills Are Cutting Red Tape for Small Businesses

July 07, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Legislation empowering small businesses to focus their time and resources on serving their customers and employees instead of fulfilling Washington mandates is receiving an outpouring of support from dozens of taxpayer, worker, and small business groups.


Ways and Means Committee legislation, the CHOICE Arrangement Act – Title II and Title IV (H.R. 3799), the Paperwork Burden Reduction Act (H.R. 3797), and the Employer Reporting Improvement Act (H.R. 3801), – remove administrative burdens for small businesses associated with providing health coverage options for their employees. Small businesses will have the ability to provide more health insurance options to employees with less hassle and less paperwork, while employees will have new options to buy the health coverage that best fits their and their family’s needs.


The following groups have expressed support for the health care legislation, which recently passed the full House of Representatives and now awaits action in the Senate:


National Federation of Independent Businesses


Americans for Prosperity/LIBRE

The HSA Coalition

National Taxpayers Union

Job Creators Network

Partnership for Employer-Sponsored Coverage

Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council


Coalition of 12 Associations

Signed by Associated Builders and Contractors, Associated General Contractors, Council for Affordable Health Coverage, Healthcare Leadership Council, Main Street Freedom Alliance, MLD Foundation, National Association of Manufacturers, National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council, The Coalition to Protect and Promote Association Health Plans, The National Grange, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce