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ICYMI: Chairman Smith on Sunday Morning Futures “This Smells Like Corruption Beyond Belief”

July 10, 2023

On Sunday, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss the latest on the investigation into the Biden family’s overseas business dealings and Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes.


During the interview, Chairman Smith highlighted:

  • The over $17 million that IRS whistleblowers allege has flowed from foreign entities to Biden family members, including from China, Ukraine, and Romania.
  • The two-tiered system of justice in the United States that whistleblowers allege has protected Hunter Biden from prosecution for numerous tax crimes, such as felony attempts to evade or defeat tax as well as fraud or false statements.
  • This includes alleged crimes that occurred in 2014 and 2015 when Hunter’s father was Vice President and for which the statute of limitations has expired because of the Department of Justice’s decision to employ delay, divulge, and deny tactics to shield Hunter Biden.


Click here or on the image above to watch the interview.


Interview excerpt: 


Chairman Smith: “The WhatsApp message that we released with the IRS whistleblower that Hunter Biden sent to a Chinese official that highlighted his demands from that Chinese business partner, and he stated that he was seated right next to his father waiting for his response. Come on. That smells like corruption beyond belief.”


READ: Victory for Whistleblower Protections: Following Ways and Means Oversight, IRS Informs Employees of Their Right to Make Protected Disclosures to Congress


READ: Smith: Hunter Biden Attorneys Attempt to Chill Investigation Using Same Retaliatory Tone Against Whistleblowers as Biden DOJ


READ: Smith, Comer, Jordan Seek Over a Dozen Transcribed Interviews Related to Agency Misconduct in Hunter Biden Investigation


READ: Smith: Testimony of IRS Employees Reveals Biden IRS, DOJ Interfered in Tax Investigation of Hunter Biden, Revealing Preferential Treatment for Wealthy and Politically Connected