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Judge’s Refusal to Accept Hunter Biden Plea Deal is a Win for the Integrity of America’s Justice System

July 27, 2023

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement after a U.S. District Court Judge for the District of Delaware refused to accept the plea agreement negotiated by the Biden Department of Justice and Hunter Biden’s defense attorneys for various alleged tax crimes committed by Hunter Biden.

“In recent weeks, the American people have heard from credible IRS whistleblowers about how Hunter Biden allegedly committed multiple felony tax crimes but was protected by the Department of Justice. Based on their testimony, it became clear Hunter Biden received a sweetheart plea deal. The judge’s decision not to accept that plea agreement confirms it was a sweetheart deal.

“Congress has ongoing investigations into alleged political interference in the investigation of Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes, and we will go where the facts lead because we cannot have a two-tiered justice system in this country. No one is above the law, not even if your last name is Biden.”

Yesterday, Chairman Smith filed a brief in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware to ensure the judge received all the facts uncovered by the Ways and Means Committee investigation before she considered the plea agreement, including damning allegations of felony tax crimes not addressed in the plea agreement. Soon after, Hunter Biden’s defense counsel appears to have intentionally misled the court in an attempt to remove this filing from the court docket.

Chairman Smith’s brief was necessary after U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware David Weiss refused to file the IRS Whistleblower transcripts onto the court docket, as previously requested by Chairman Smith. In his request to Garland and Weiss, Chairman Smith highlighted past precedent where a judge has rejected a plea agreement that was inadequate or deficient given the crimes committed or the motivation of the accused, or the plea deal was not in the best interest of the country.

READ: Smith Calls on AG Garland and U.S. Attorney Weiss to Submit IRS Whistleblower Testimony into Hunter Biden Plea Agreement Proceedings

READ: Chairman Smith Questions Ways and Means Whistleblowers in Hunter Biden Investigation