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Mountains of Evidence Show Joe Biden Was Complicit in Hunter’s Global Influence-Peddling Scheme

December 19, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Key to Congress’s impeachment inquiry is this fact: There is no doubt that Joe Biden was complicit in his son’s global influence peddling scheme, and this gross abuse of office gives the appearance that the best way to influence the White House is to pay the President’s son.

From the campaign to the White House, President Biden and his allies have repeatedly denied any connection to his son’s business dealings – claiming that he had never spoken to his son about his business, then later, that he wasn’t involved. But mountains of evidence released by the Ways and Means Committee have thoroughly debunked these claims, leaving little doubt that President Biden was complicit in Hunter Biden’s use of the “Biden Brand” to sell access to the White House around the world. 

We know because: 

  1. Joe Biden communicated with Hunter Biden and his business associates.
  2. Joe Biden actively participated in his son’s business dealings.
  3. Joe Biden took official actions that were tied to the Biden family business.
  4. Hunter Biden himself referred to his father as his family’s “only asset.”

1.) Joe Biden communicated with Hunter Biden and his business associates.

Then-Vice President Joe Biden used multiple email aliases and private email addresses to communicate with his son’s business associate and main financial architect, directly refuting previous public statements the President has made that he had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings. This further corroborates the previous testimony of IRS agents Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley highlighting the incredible level of access Hunter Biden and his business partners had in Joe Biden’s public office while working for foreign businesses.

Among recently released evidence from the Ways and Means Committee, was a document with data on 327 emails showing Joe Biden’s correspondence – via email aliases – with a key Hunter Biden business associate.

  • 54 of the emails were exclusively between Joe Biden and one of Hunter Biden’s business partners, Eric Schwerinwho was in charge of structuring the family’s various shell companies that launder money around the world.
  • 38 emails were from the White House to a Joe Biden alias with a copy to Hunter Biden.

2.) Joe Biden actively participated in his son’s business dealings.

Newly released emails between then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son’s business associates make clear that he actively participated in the family’s business scheme.

  • In February of 2014, Joe Biden hosted Hunter Biden and two business associates, Mexican billionaire Miguel Aleman and his father, at the White House. Hunter Biden subsequently contacted a White House photographer to obtain a photograph from the visit.
  • Three months later, Hunter Biden emailed Devon Archer, saying, “We need to get to Mexico City and cement deal w/ Miguel.” Astonishingly, the documents show Joe Biden later used taxpayer dollars to fly Hunter Biden and a business associate to Mexico City on Air Force Two.
  • Biden business associate Devon Archer testified under oath that Joe Biden frequently joined his son’s business meetings at Cafe Milano, including with oligarchs from Russia and Kazakhstan who funneled millions of dollars to Hunter Biden and his business associates.

3.) Joe Biden took official actions that were linked to the Biden family business.

Email evidence, White House call notes, and whistleblower testimony all suggest that there are links between Joe Biden’s official actions and the Biden family bottom line.

Direct emails between Schwerin, the architect of the Biden family’s shell companies, and then-Vice President Biden increased dramatically during times when Vice President Biden traveled to Ukraine. This is relevant because at the same time, Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of a Ukrainian company, Burisma, which previously released evidence has confirmed was an appointment entirely meant to throw the “political weight” of the Biden family brand behind the company’s interests.

  • Prior to Vice President Biden’s June 2014 trip to Ukraine, he and Schwerin exchanged five emails just between the two of them. After that trip and before the Vice President’s November trip back to Ukraine, he and Schwerin emailed exclusively another 27 times.
  • Vice President Biden subsequently threatened to withhold $1 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine if the prosecutor looking into corruption at Hunter Biden’s company was not fired. The prosecutor was fired.

IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler discussed this during a Ways and Means hearing.

Rep. Greg Steube (FL-17): So again, you have evidence of then-Vice President Joe Biden taking official actions, his family being compensated for that. And the other side is saying that we have no evidence that this is going on. And you’re providing more details from these excerpts and new evidence that was released here today that this is what was happening.

Special Agent Ziegler: Yeah. I mean, the thing that I pointed to was the White House call notes. I mean, these are call notes about the upcoming trip of the Vice President to Ukraine, and part of that is reform of the prosecutor’s office in Ukraine.

4.) Hunter Biden himself referred to Joe as his family’s “only asset.”

In communications with business associates, Hunter Biden often referred to his father as a business asset, and his last name as the “brand.”

President Biden’s complicity in his son’s business dealings is a dangerous abuse of his office.