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Chairman Smith: The Biden Family is Protecting “the Brand,” Joe Biden

March 01, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) joined Fox News host Bill Hemmer on Thursday to discuss the House impeachment inquiry’s deposition with Hunter Biden.

During the interview, Chairman Smith highlighted the common thread connecting James and Hunter Biden’s testimony – protecting “the Brand,” Joe Biden. Both Biden family members denied Joe Biden’s involvement, or knowledge, of their influence peddling scheme, despite indisputable evidence provided by IRS whistleblowers assigned to the Hunter Biden tax evasion case that suggests otherwise. 

Click here or on the image above to watch the full interview.

The Biden family’s main goal is protecting “the Brand”:

Chairman Smith: “But let me tell you, those two IRS whistleblowers provided numerous examples of evidence, including a WhatsApp message, that said [Hunter Biden] was sitting next to his father, when he was sending it to a Chinese business official demanding money. And guess what, nine days later $5 million showed up. There were 327 different emails that Joe Biden had with Hunter Biden and his business associates that the IRS whistleblowers provided. Plus, we had numerous business associates of Hunter Biden that have testified about his involvement. In fact, one of them said he was not just a participant, he was an enabler in the entire process. So, the Biden family has been staying to one tune and that is to protect the brand.”

The IRS whistleblowers were prevented from following any leads to Joe Biden:

Bill Hemmer: “Just to paraphrase this: I’m sitting here with my dad, I want the money wired now. Now, what he told you, however, is that he was either drunk or high or maybe both, and that his dad wasn’t even in the room. And I don’t think you can prove that his dad was there.”

Chairman Smith: “The IRS whistleblowers tried to do geotracing of that cell phone back during the investigation, and they were denied anything that could lead to the presence of Joe Biden. And they were even denied asking any questions [about] Joe Biden. That’s what the Justice Department obstructed throughout the process, according to the IRS whistleblowers; we need to find that out. But I mean, the excuse as to say you’re drunk or high or you don’t recall, it’s very similar to his father not being charged criminally because he’s not mentally fit.”

Whistleblower evidence contradicts Hunter Biden’s claim that he “did not involve” his father in his business dealings:

Bill Hemmer: “Let me read part of his statement from yesterday: ‘I did not involve my father in my business, not while I was a practicing lawyer, not my investments or transactions domestic or international, not as a board member, and not as an artist. Never.’ Can you prove that that statement is a lie?”

Chairman Smith: “The IRS whistleblowers prove that statement is a lie. They prove on numerous accounts where Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden and his business associates in the White House, on trips to other countries, at the Four Seasons in Washington, DC. There’s numerous examples. So, what they said is completely counter to what the whistleblowers have said. Plus you had Tony Bobulinksi [say] that he sat down with Joe Biden in 2017. He named the time, place, and location, and he spoke for more than 45 minutes discussing the relationship with the Chinese energy company. The only people that are denying everything are the ones with the last name Biden.”