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Photos From the Field: 3 Moments from the Ways & Means Community Development Tax Team

September 13, 2024

This summer, the Ways and Means Committee Community Development Tax Team, chaired by Rep. Mike Kelly (PA-16), hosted multiple field events to highlight the impact of community revitalization projects made possible through the 2017 Trump Tax Cuts.

  1. Driving Investment in Underserved Communities | Bridge District, Washington, D.C.

    Community Development Tax Team Chair Mike Kelly led a site visit with Reps. Claudia Tenney (NY-24), Blake Moore (UT-01), and Mike Carey (OH-15) to the Bridge District in Washington, D.C. to survey an approximately $1 billion community revitalization project that will support more jobs, attract capital, and drive growth thanks to the 2017 Trump Tax Cuts.

    Community Development Tax Team Chair Mike Kelly (PA-16)

    2. Supporting Senior Living | Columbus, Ohio

    Representative Mike Carey (OH-15) toured New City Homes’ Hilltop apartment complex in Columbus to see the impact its renovation is having for Columbus seniors seeking affordable housing, thanks to the Opportunity Zone funds provided in the Trump Tax Cuts. 

    Rep. Mike Carey (OH-15)

    3. Promoting Affordable Housing | Northwest, Washington, D.C.

    Community Development Tax Team Chair Mike Kelly (PA-16) led a site visit with Rep. Blake Moore (UT-01) to Northwest Washington, D.C. to learn more about the role tax incentives play in boosting affordability and accessibility in the housing market that has been hit hard by rising interest rates as a result of the Biden-Harris inflation crisis. 

    Community Development Tax Team Chair Mike Kelly (PA-16)