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Chairman Smith Opening Statement – Floor Debate on the BRIDGE For Workers Act

September 17, 2024

“Members of Congress have heard over and over again about a labor shortage, and ‘Help Wanted’ signs dotting storefronts across the country. This legislation will help address this shortage by helping more unemployed Americans get back into the workforce sooner.”

As prepared for delivery.

“I rise in support of the BRIDGE for Workers Act to help more Americans who are out of work find employment faster.

“Currently, only those deemed most likely to exhaust their unemployment benefits are eligible for job placement services provided through the Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments program. That unfairly limits resources to a small subset of UI recipients when thousands of others could be back in the workforce sooner with this assistance. This bill levels the playing field and extends these services to every American on unemployment benefits. 

“These services are critical for helping Americans find work compatible with their experience and skills to help them get back to earning a paycheck again.

“Members of Congress have heard over and over again about a labor shortage, and ‘Help Wanted’ signs dot storefronts across the country. This legislation will help address this shortage by helping more unemployed Americans get back into the workforce sooner.

“After fraudsters and criminals stole over $100 billion of unemployment benefits during COVID, the bill before us will also strengthen program integrity by ensuring claimants are complying with eligibility rules. Claimants must be able to work, available to work, and actively seeking work. 

“This legislation was a bipartisan effort sponsored by the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Ways and Means Work and Welfare Subcommittee, Representatives LaHood and Davis. I want to thank them both for their leadership in helping the unemployment insurance program fulfill its mission of supporting unemployed Americans who are seeking stable work.

“The BRIDGE for Workers Act passed out of Committee with every single Republican and Democrat voting for it. I hope we can have a repeat performance of strong bipartisan support in favor of this legislation today.”