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Chairman Smith Opening Statement – Floor Debate on the Chronic Disease Flexible Coverage Act

September 17, 2024

“The Chronic Disease Flexible Coverage Act actually codifies a Trump Administration policy that will incentivize employers to offer coverage for these services so that they can lower health care costs for their workers and their business.”

As prepared for delivery.

“Six in ten Americans live with at least one chronic disease such as heart disease, cancer, or diabetes. Nearly 90 percent of the $4.1 trillion in annual health care spending in this country goes toward the treatment of patients with chronic diseases.

“Part of improving the delivery of health care in America must be expanding the opportunity for folks to better manage their chronic health conditions, so that they can live longer, healthier lives and we can bring down the financial impact of health care on individuals, families, businesses, and the government.

“The Chronic Disease Flexible Coverage Act, introduced by Ways and Means colleagues Dr. Wenstrup and Representative Blumenauer, will expand treatment and disease management options by allowing employers that offer high deductible health care plans to also offer pre-deductible coverage – otherwise known as ‘first dollar coverage’ – for 14 chronic health care services.

“Those services include beta-blockers for patients with congestive heart failure, blood pressure monitors for patients with high blood pressure, glucometers for patients with diabetes, inhalers for patients with asthma, and cholesterol drugs and testing for patients with heart disease. But the list does not have to end there. In fact, the bill also allows for that list of covered services to be expanded in the future. 

“The Chronic Disease Flexible Coverage Act actually codifies a Trump Administration policy that will incentivize employers to offer coverage for these services so that they can lower health care costs for their workers and their business. 

“High deductible health plans are a great option for employers and employees looking for more affordable coverage, and this bill will make them even more beneficial to individuals with chronic diseases. 

“Flexibilities like these in care delivery and coverage options are key to improving patient outcomes, and I encourage all of my colleagues to support this legislation.”