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Chairman Smith Opening Statement – Floor Debate on the VSO Equal Tax Treatment (VETT) Act

September 17, 2024

“Under this legislation, our tax code will no longer discriminate among our veterans services organizations. Charitable contributions to all federally chartered tax-exempt organizations that serve current and former members of the military will be tax deductible.”

As prepared for delivery.

“I rise today in support of H.R 1432, the VSO Equal Tax Treatment Act or VETT Act, introduced by my Ways and Means colleagues Dr. Brad Wenstrup and Representative Jimmy Panetta.

“In short, this legislation makes it easier for those looking to support our veterans to do so through donations to the veterans service organization of their choosing. 

“Right now, certain VSOs are prohibited from accepting tax-deductible donations if over 10 percent of the members in their organization are not considered quote ‘wartime veterans.’ But this prohibition is outdated. As our veteran populations age, this needlessly restrictive definition excludes veteran populations who joined the service following the Vietnam War and before the Persian Gulf War. 

“An estimated 2.4 million veterans living today do not meet the definition of ‘wartime veterans’ – including some of the men and women who bravely served this country in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

“VSOs provide critical services to our nation’s veterans. They help with filing service-connected claims with the VA. They provide other types of assistance when it comes to navigating the confusing web of government programs our veterans rely on. And they also stand in support of our military families – the moms and dads, husbands and wives, sons and daughters of our veterans. 

“Under this legislation, our tax code will no longer discriminate among our veterans services organizations. Charitable contributions to all federally chartered tax-exempt organizations that serve current and former members of the military will be tax deductible. 

“The Ways and Means Committee approved this legislation unanimously. I urge all of my colleagues to follow our bipartisan lead and vote yes on this commonsense bill to support our veterans.”