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POLL: 65 Percent of Americans Can’t Keep Up with Bidenflation, As President’s Approval Rating Hits New Low

May 16, 2022

Sixty-five percent of working families’ paychecks simply can’t keep up with rising prices with 75 percent of Americans believing the country is headed down “the wrong track,” according to a recent poll by NBC News

As families’ incomes have fallen for seven straight months under President Biden, it’s no wonder that for seven months more than 70 percent of Americans have believed the country was headed down the “wrong track.”

READ: No, Mr. President Your Policies Have Not “Helped” The Economy

Democrats’ so-called “fix” for high costs? Crippling tax hikes and burdensome regulations in the name of going after “price-gougers.”

READ: Bidenflation Is Surging and Now Democrats Want Crippling Tax Hikes

The poll found:

  • Workers’ Paychecks Are Falling Further Behind: At least 65 percent of families say their income is falling behind the cost of living, up from 62 percent in March.
  • Bidenflation and the Economy Remain Top Concerns for Americans: “The cost of living” along with “jobs and the economy” are the top concerns of at least 40 percent of Americans, up from 37 percent in March.
  • Americans Have Lost Confidence in the President’s Competency To Heal This Shrinking Economy: President Biden’s approval rating hit a new low of 39 percent, with 56 percent of Americans saying they disapprove. 

CLICK HERE to read the poll.

READ: Democrats’ Tax Hikes Will Only Worsen Bidenflation

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