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5 Key Takeaways from the February 2021 Jobs Report

March 09, 2021

The February Jobs Report showed that the economy is recovering, and prioritizing vaccines for workers would go a long way. According to the report:

  • We’re still coming up short on jobs. The unemployment rate remained at 6.2 percent. Unemployment rates for women, minorities, and the nation overall were much lower prior to the pandemic.
  • Further vaccine distribution would help workers return to work. Pandemic-related business closures forced nearly 13.3 million workers to work fewer hours, if any.
  • Workers want to work. Nearly 2.2 million furloughed workers are waiting for their employers to recall them.
  • Workers now take more time to find jobs. Employers are unlikely to hire a long-term unemployed worker because unemployed workers lose skills. A year ago, workers took nine weeks to find a job. It now takes 18 weeks.
  • Workers want full-time jobs but only find part-time jobs. Around 6.1 million part-time workers cannot find a full-time job. One possible reason is the Biden Administration is pushing anti-job policies like canceling the Keystone XL pipeline.

Democrats are leaving behind American workers, who want to reconnect to their jobs and support their loved ones. Let’s focus on crushing the virus and creating jobs.