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POLL: Minority Americans Suffer the Most Under Bidenflation

March 16, 2022

American minorities continue to suffer the most under Bidenflation, with 35 percent of Black, Hispanic, Asian-American, and other non-white Americans reporting that inflation is causing “major financial strain” according to a recent Wall Street Journal poll.

This comes after prices increased by 7.9 percent in February, the largest increase in 40 years. 

With American workers seeing the largest decline in real wages since the data began being reported, it’s no wonder more than a quarter of Americans say their household incomes have decreased in the last year.

The poll also found:

  • Black women and Hispanic men, both at 44 percent, reported the highest proportions of major strain among various demographic and gender combinations.”
  • People with the lowest incomes also were most likely to report major financial challenges from inflation. Almost half with incomes of less than $60,000 reported major financial strain, while just 13 percent of those making $150,000 or more did so.”
  • “The inflation numbers help explain why almost two-thirds of voters think the economy is headed in the wrong direction […].”
  • More than one-quarter of all voters—28 percent—say their household incomes have decreased during the past year. Among the 26 percent who say their incomes have increased, 39 percent say the cost of living has increased more than their income.”
  • Rising prices and the economy were more often picked by nonwhite voters than white voters as the most important issue, 60 percent to 47 percent.” 

READ: Fact Check: American Workers See Largest Decline in Real Wages Since Data Began Being Reported

READ: ANALYSIS: Bidenflation Hits Low-Income Households Harder than the Wealthy

READ: ANALYSIS: Typical family pays $5,000 for Bidenflation tax; minorities, young adults, middle class hit hardest