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Americans Need Answers on Social Security Administration Failures

May 17, 2022

Today in a Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee hearing, Ways and Means Republicans emphasized the importance of removing barriers to high-quality service at the Social Security Administration (SSA) so that Americans can get the help they deserve.


READ: Hern: Americans Struggle to Get Help from Social Security Administration


Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK) responded to Democrats’ calls for even more funding, when the SSA hasn’t addressed the challenges it’s facing presently:


“Every Trust Fund dollar spent administering the programs is a dollar that can’t be paid in benefits. This brings us one dollar closer to Trust Fund exhaustion … It’s important to make sure that these dollars are spent effectively.”


Oversight Subcommittee Republican Leader Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) asked what percentage of employees had returned to work in person:


Rice: “What percent of your people have returned to the office from home?”


Kim: “We have about 50-60% of our staff on site in our field offices.”


Rice: “I would assume that’s a big part of the problem right there.”


Key Background:

In April, Ways and Means Republicans sent a letter to Chairman Neal (D-MA) urging for this hearing to address the challenges the American public continues to face when trying to access services from the SSA. CLICK HERE to read the full letter.