WASHINGTON, DC – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement after the first reading of 2023 GDP showed economic growth slowed significantly to just 1.1 percent in the first quarter, below expectations:
“President Biden and Washington Democrats have delivered a stumbling economy and all the pain that comes with it for working families. Their reckless spending has stolen $10,000 from every working-class American and seniors will lose even more if Democrats continue treating the debt crisis like a political game. House Republicans took action this week by passing commonsense spending cuts that will put our nation back on a path to fiscal sanity, and pro-growth policies to lift more Americans out of poverty. “Workers, farmers, and small businesses are right to feel like Washington has forgotten about them. While Democrats gave the wealthy a $7,500 tax break to buy a luxury electric car and hundreds of billions of dollars in handouts to big corporations and Wall Street, working-class Americans live in greater fear of being hit by an audit from one of the 87,000 new employees President Biden is hiring at the IRS. Ways and Means Republicans are listening to working Americans who want a tax code that grows our economy, increases their paycheck, and helps Main Street businesses expand and hire new workers.” Warning Signs Blinking: Recession Approaching
In Their Own Words: Working Americans Are Worse Off Under President Biden At Ways and Means field hearings across the country, working Americans have testified that they are worse off under President Biden:
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