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Hearing on Expanding U.S. Agriculture Trade and Eliminating Barriers to U.S. Exports

June 14, 2016

Hearing Information
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 10:00 AM in Room 1100 of the Longworth House Office Building

Hearing Advisory

Witness List

Mr. Kevin Paap
President, Minnesota Farm Bureau; Chair, American Farm Bureau Federation Trade Advisory Committee
Testimony (Truth in Testimony)

Mr. Randy Mooney
Chairman, National Milk Producers Federation
Testimony (Truth in Testimony)

Mr. John Weber
President, National Pork Producers Council
Testimony (Truth in Testimony)

Mr. Dale Foreman
Chairman, Foreman Fruit Company; Past Chairman, USApple; Past Chairman, Washington Apple Commission
Testimony (Truth in Testimony)

Ms. Heather McClung
Co-Owner, Schooner EXACT Brewing Company; President, Washington Brewers Guild
Testimony (Truth in Testimony)
